MAY FRIDAYS 7 PM Four Holy Hours in reparation for the sins of clergy which have deeply betrayed the significant trust of innocent children and deeply wounded them.
This has been requested by our Bishops in their recent statement, which is available in the porch on yellow A4 sheets. They make this important point concerning our shared responsibility: “Catholics are members of a single universal body. These terrible crimes, and the inadequate response by some church leaders […] are the personal sins of only a very few. But we are bound together in the Body of Christ and, therefore, their sins touch us all.”
Also in the porch is the latest version of our white A4 comment “Putting the media reports of ‘Cover-up’ in context.” Here are some recent comments by, sadly, a small minority of prominent writers.
Brendan O'Neill, the humanist, atheistic editor of Spiked Online, described the campaign against the Pope as "a secular Inquisition". He said it had acquired "a powerfully pathological, obsessive" character in which "scaremongering supersedes facts".
Mayor of New York, Ed Koch (who disagrees with Christian moral teaching), in Jerusalem Times: "I believe the continuing attacks by the media on the Roman Catholic Church and Pope Benedict XVI have become manifestations of anti-Catholicism. The procession of articles on the same events are, in my opinion, no longer intended to inform, but simply to castigate."
Peter Hitchens, Daily Mail columnist: “Nothing – especially facts and logic – seems to be able to stop the ill-informed frenzy of rage against the Roman Catholic Church (to which I don’t be-long) […] is this all just a pretext to attack one of the last remaining strongholds of Christianity?”
Atheistic Dominic Lawson in Daily Mail: “Why is the unashamed child abuser Polanski lauded while the repentant Pope is vilified?”
David Quinn in the Irish Independent: If this was “about uncovering child abuse [...] then every organisation with a history of child abuse in its ranks would be pursued with equal vigour. [...]
A more honest media would relentlessly hunt down child abuse wherever it is to be found. “
George Weigel, an American Catholic author, claimed that the "scandal-mongering had now metastasised into a full-scale assault on Catholicism itself".
Austen Ivereigh, co-ordinator of Catholic Voices, “The media have merged with the mob.”
Please also fast for this intention on May Fridays.