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St. Mary Magdalen's
Catholic Church
Willesden Green
London NW10
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Tuesday, November 13, 2012
32nd Sunday of the Year- 11th November 2012
The Last Leg I couldn’t run for a bus never mind complete a marathon but I can imagine what it must be like to see the finishing line. I say that because we are approaching the final stage of the diocesan Growing in Faith campaign which will support our parishes, our priests and those in need across the Diocese. Our parish will benefit, along with training catechists to pass on the faith, by developing the front of the church and the sanctuary. I’ve had discussions with people who are interested in these things and I’m excited by their ideas. As far as the priestly part goes, we will support training for Deacon Martin and Tony Thomas and others which makes this another cause close to our hearts. And I would remind you that Tony invited our parish to visit the seminary on 25 November. 19 people have asked to go but there are more spaces available which will allow you to see exactly how part of what you pledge will be spent. On the financial front, thus far we have reached £72,800 at an average pledge of just under £4300 per person over five years. I am deeply touched by your generosity. But whatever you have given, or can, thank you. We are coming to the end of the campaign and will complete it with a Commitment Weekend on 17/18 November at all Masses. Our goal is to get an informed decision about making a pledge from everyone in the parish and to date we have done well in contacting as many of you as possible. That process continues but no system is perfect so next weekend, if we were unable to reach you and you will support Growing in Faith, please speak to one of our volunteers at the back of the church after Mass or arrange a time to suit you. The Church in Westminster faces challenges and we must respond. These needs are urgent and while it would be nice to complete the campaign in the style of Alistair Brownlee at the London Olympics, could we try pulling out all the stops for a sprint finish like Mo Farah? Above all, pray for Growing in Faith. On behalf of the Archbishop, thank you so much for your support. Fr Kevin

posted by Sinead Reekie at 10:30 am