New Beginnings
This week marked the last meeting of our parish’s Union of Catholic Mothers because the numbers have dwindled in recent years. I want to thank them for the myriad ways they have contributed to life here at St Mary Magdalen’s over many years. However, I’d prefer to say that they are merely in abeyance as some mums have ideas for the future. Watch this space…
In the same vein of contributing to parish life this is an important weekend for us here in Willesden Green. At the request of Archbishop Nichols we have embarked on a campaign called Growing in Faith which will have a direct impact on our parish, the lives of our priests, on-going vocations and our role in supporting Catholic social action in our area and throughout the Diocese. These are important areas for us as Martin Plunkett and Tony Thomas are in formation, I am on the committee that looks after the sick and retired priests, and we are big supports of Cricklewood Homeless Concern. And as far as the effect on our parish is concerned, we plan to make the entrances more welcoming, redecorate the sanctuary and train more catechists to continue the tradition we have here of excellence in teaching the faith.
Of course we all should pray for these endeavours but we must also acknowledge that we have a responsibility to finance them. To achieve this, the Diocese has set us a goal of raising £220,000 over five years and to date we have had great success as our total currently stands at over £53,000 from just 11 gifts and there are still more pending. Your generosity is overwhelming.
As part of this campaign, in the coming weeks, on behalf of the Archbishop and me, a member of our volunteer team may contact you to respectfully ask you to consider supporting Growing in Faith. I hope you will say, “Yes” to helping these projects for our parish and our Diocese come to fruition.
Above all, please pray for the success of Growing in Faith because it is important as a long-term solution to strengthen our parishes, support our priests and play our part in the world. Thank you and God bless you all.
Fr Kevin
posted by Sinead Reekie at 11:48 am