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St. Mary Magdalen's
Catholic Church
Willesden Green
London NW10
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Friday, November 23, 2012
Our Lord Jesus Christ, Universal King- 25th November 2012
Thank you We have now completed the active campaigning for the Archbishop’s Growing in Faith project, and we wish to thank you all for your great generosity, patience and cooperation in this venture. To date you have pledged £190,000. Although this is £30,000 short of the ambitious target that we were set, we are immensely proud of the amazing contributions that you parishioners have made. We are still able to receive pledges - just hand them into clergy house or give to one of the clergy. Who is your king? In the Book of Samuel we read how the Hebrew people asked for a king ‘like all the other nations’, (1 Sam 8:5) forgetting that earlier the Judge Gideon had said, when the people asked him to be king, ‘I will not rule over you. … the Lord will rule over you.’ (Judges 8:23) So who or what is our king? Do we want to be ruled by the secular values of our society, where short term gain and pleasure is the rule by which we live? Or do we see our lives from the higher perspective where truth and perfect happiness exist under the rule of Christ the Universal King? Although we will only be able to achieve full happiness in the next stage of our lives, we can begin to experience, in this life on earth, the true peace that only God can give. Let us never forget Jesus’ words ’My own peace I give you; a peace which the world cannot give, this is my gift to you.’ (Jn 14:27). And so how do we get that peace which Christ promises to give? By trusting in God’s word—that is by trusting that what he said is true, which in turn means that we can be confident that in following his commandments we will not go astray. We prayed in our responsorial psalm ‘Truly your decrees are to be trusted’, so let us take that prayer to heart and truly believe that it is true. This week’s leaflet on catechesis is on the ‘Magisterium’ (the teaching authority of the Church) which explains about Jesus’ guarantee that the Church will not teach error. So let us all trust in the teaching of the Church. Yes, we may fail—but we can always start again with Confession. Deacon Michael

posted by Sinead Reekie at 11:01 am