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St. Mary Magdalen's
Catholic Church
Willesden Green
London NW10
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Friday, December 07, 2007
Today’s Gospel reminds us, during this time of Advent, that Jesus came to baptise with “the Holy Spirit and with fire”. Through these words we are offered a chance to hear again of the radical gift God offers us through his Son. The liturgy of this season calls us back to ask again “have I accepted the Holy Spirit and the fire of God into my heart?”

This week we have our parish mission which is a wonderful opportunity to rediscover the gift with which we are empowered and entrusted through our baptism. We all know that the pressures of life and the surrounding world can dim the fire that God has placed in our hearts. Do we want to know the Holy Spirit more fully? Do we want to experience the fire of God’s love more deeply? If the answer to these questions is ‘yes’ then this is the perfect moment to act.

The week will be full of events, music, confessions, prayer and personal testimonies that will all encourage us to draw closer to God. On Monday night John Pridmore will be speaking about his conversion from the life of a gangster in East London to international missionary. On Tuesday there will be our advent penitential service which forms part of the programme and the rest of the week we will be reflecting upon and opening ourselves to God’s love and mercy, and the gift of Mary, Our Blessed Mother.

There will be beautiful music sung by a member of the mission team before all masses and services. There will also be a special blessing for babies and mothers on Wednesday and on Friday the Way of the Cross. Finally on Friday evening there will be a mass to invoke the Holy Spirit. This will be a chance to know the fire that our souls are longing for. This is the fire that the saints speak of, the fire that God wants to blaze out into the darkness.

On Sunday we will also have our Parish Christmas Carol Concert and Nativity play. This too will be part of this special week in which we all hope to come closer to Jesus, to enter into the Christmas that is approaching with greater peace and joy.

PARENTAL FOLLOW-UP TO TODAY’S CHILDREN’S LITURGY: Explain the image of fire to your child, (as representing the warming and purifying love of God) - and light a candle.

posted by Sinead Reekie at 2:12 pm

Monday, December 03, 2007
St Mary Magdalen’s Parish Mission, 10th-14thDecember
Here is the timetable for our upcoming Parish Mission – everyone is warmly invited to attend all the events. Please invite one person not already coming here each Sunday. The mission will be given by St Patrick’s Community, led by John Pridmore, an ex-gangster. It is a time for discovering God’s love in greater depth.

Monday 10th December

7.15 am Mass, followed by breakfast
9.30 am Mass
10.00 am Testimonies and music
7.00pm Evening service: God’s Love

Tuesday 11th December

9.30 am Mass
10.00 am Testimonies and music
7.00pm Evening service: God’s Mercy
Penitential Service

Wednesday 12th December

9.30 Mass
10.00 am Blessing of Infants & Babies
7.00pm Evening service: God’s Healing
Healing service
Thursday 13th December

7.15 Mass, followed by breakfast
9.30 Mass
10.00 am Testimonies and music
7.00pm Evening service: God’s gift of Mary

Friday 14th December

9.30 Mass
3.00pm Way of the Cross
7.00pm Mass for the Holy Spirit

Priests will be available for confession during the Penitential Service on Tuesday and also on Wednesday and Thursday evening.

Please come early before each Mass and Evening Service to listen to prayerful music.
PARENTAL FOLLOW-UP TO TODAY’S GOSPEL: This first week of advent perhaps you could help your child to light a candle and say the “Hail Mary” together.

posted by Sinead Reekie at 9:32 am