Dear friends, thank you for the warm welcome I’ve received here at St. Mary Magdalen’s, especially when I met many of you after last week’s Masses. I’m at the end of my first week now and starting to find my feet here in the Parish.
I was born in America, but brought up in Gateshead, in North East England and my family still live there. For the last four years, I studied physics at Cambridge University and I graduated on the 1st of July.
I am a ‘cradle Catholic’, but it wasn’t until about halfway through my time at university that I really got interested in the Faith. At that time, I became involved with the Cambridge Chaplaincy (called Fisher House after St. John Fisher). I served as an executive officer for the student Catholic Fisher Society and helped run social events and discussion groups. I was also involved in student ecumenical dialogue and organising ecumenical events. Other interests include drama and music, which I hope to be able to pursue while working for you here in Willesden Green.
Considering my future at the end of my time in Cambridge, I wasn’t quite sure of God’s plan for me. I’m thinking about applying to train for the priesthood and I was advised to spend some time living and working in a parish to help in my discernment. I’m here for a year. The fame of Willesden Green has spread far and wide and I feel very fortunate that there’s space for me here and a chance to do a range of work – from Confirmation classes to visiting the sick – among such a warm and active community.
I was born in America, but brought up in Gateshead, in North East England and my family still live there. For the last four years, I studied physics at Cambridge University and I graduated on the 1st of July.
I am a ‘cradle Catholic’, but it wasn’t until about halfway through my time at university that I really got interested in the Faith. At that time, I became involved with the Cambridge Chaplaincy (called Fisher House after St. John Fisher). I served as an executive officer for the student Catholic Fisher Society and helped run social events and discussion groups. I was also involved in student ecumenical dialogue and organising ecumenical events. Other interests include drama and music, which I hope to be able to pursue while working for you here in Willesden Green.
Considering my future at the end of my time in Cambridge, I wasn’t quite sure of God’s plan for me. I’m thinking about applying to train for the priesthood and I was advised to spend some time living and working in a parish to help in my discernment. I’m here for a year. The fame of Willesden Green has spread far and wide and I feel very fortunate that there’s space for me here and a chance to do a range of work – from Confirmation classes to visiting the sick – among such a warm and active community.
posted by Sinead Reekie at 10:07 am