Week of 29th January 2006
“God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him” (Jn 4:!6)
It is with great sadness that we pass on the tragic news of the sudden death of Tillie Callaghan last Wednesday, from what seems to have been something akin to a brain haemorrhage. She was 25.
Tillie had been working in the parish over the last year helping especially to develop the youth work side of the parish, along with Martin Plunkett.
Together, 18 months ago, they had begun a small community of young Catholics inspired by the 1980’s apparitions of “Our Lady, Queen of Love” in Schio, Northern Italy. They felt called to find means of bringing young people to know the love of God through Our Lady in the Church.
The main practical means they felt called to use, with the help of the friendship they experienced in their community, was drama and art. In this context, through their attempt at selfless loving, they prayed that the love of God would flow.
At Schio the Lady had said:
"I am the Queen of Love. If you love one another you will be close to the Father. Love and charity. Unending prayer. Go out into the highways and byways of the world, proclaiming the Kingdom of the Father untiringly. He who saves his brother will also save himself. Love and you will be loved. I shall not abandon you. I bless you".
May Tillie know the fruition of this promise. May her past apostolate amongst our community, and her continued love and prayers for us, bear fruit in the living and the loving of our own young people. May they come to know the true love of God through us. Please pray also for her family and friends.
The date of her funeral has not been set yet. It will take place in her home family’s parish in South East, London.
On the day Tillie died, the Feast of St Paul, Pope Benedict issued his first Encyclical “Deus Caritas est”; (God is love), in which he tries to plot a way through modern confusion to show the harmony between true love of God and love of neighbour. We will print extracts next week.
posted by Sinead Reekie at 2:35 pm