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St. Mary Magdalen's
Catholic Church
Willesden Green
London NW10
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Tuesday, September 11, 2012
22nd Sunday 2nd September 2012
As the schools go back this week I assume that nearly all of you have returned from your summer holidays. I hope you all a good break and are feeling refreshed and ready for life to get back to its hectic pace. I for one shall miss the quiet roads in the mornings which made for some nice trips up to Hampstead Heath and the Welsh Harp with Milo. With the school run resuming it’ll be back to the park but it was nice while it lasted.
As for the title of the editorial, while I am looking forward to the return of Doctor Who, this is not a plug for the BBC. In fact it is a return to those early days of the daleks. Many of you will remember that when they fired their lasers at people their victims just disappeared.
Now there is a point to telling you this and it refers to the fact that over the summer we asked people to fill in a parish registration form. I’m very grateful to those of you that did but I’m also conscious that some people were a little surprised to be asked to do so after over 50 years in the parish..
The truth is almost stranger than fiction. During routine maintenance on our computer system some time ago the parish database seems to have encountered a grumpy dalek which fired its laser and the program just vanished. Not into the waste bin, nor some remote part of the hard-drive. It disappeared entirely. And to my horror, in this world of technology not only could it not be recovered but there was no paper copy.
Hence we effectively started from scratch. So if you haven’t filled in a form in recent months, please do so and return it to the parish office or give it to one of the clergy. I apologise for any inconvenience caused.
Finally, I hope you like the new format of our newsletter. As you can imagine, the previous one didn’t fold itself and I would like to thank the dedicated team of ladies who spent a good hour before Mass on a Saturday folding them for you. As Blessed John Paul II once said, they are some of the unseen workers who go on tirelessly building the Kingdom.
God bless you all.
Fr Kevin

posted by Sinead Reekie at 11:48 am